藤井 悠也 博士(体育科学)
Fujii Yuya Ph. D.
Fujii Yuya Ph. D.
専門分野 | 応用健康科学、運動疫学 |
主な研究テーマ |
筑波大学大学院 人間総合科学研究科 体育科学専攻 博士課程 修了(体育科学)
2019年 - 2021年 日本学術振興会 特別研究員DC2
- 中学校・高等学校教諭1種免許状(保健体育)
- サッカー公認C級コーチ
- 第35回 日本体力医学会 学会賞(体力科学)、 2022年(共同)
- 令和2年度 筑波大学大学院 人間総合科学研究科 体力科学専攻長賞、 2021年
- 日本体力医学会
- 日本公衆衛生学会
- 日本認知症予防学会
- Kawakami R, Kitano N, Fujii Y, Jindo T, Kai Y, Arao T. Association of watching sports games with subsequent health and well-being among adults in Japan: an outcome-wide longitudinal approach. Preventive Medicine. 2024 Dec; 189: 108154.
- Nagata K, Shibuya K, Fujii Y, Seol JH, Jindo T, Okura T. Cross-sectional study of the optimal types of physical exercise for cognitive function in older Japanese adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2024 Nov; 24(11): 1173-1180.
- Kitano N, Fujii Y, Wada A, Kawakami R, Yoshiba K, Yamaguchi D, Kai Y, Arao T. Associations of working from home frequency with accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary behavior in Japanese white-collar workers: a cross-sectional analysis of the Meiji Yasuda LifeStyle study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2024 Oct; 21(11): 1150-1157.
- Kai Y, Fujii Y, Takashi N, Yoshiba K, Muramatsu Y, Noda T, Jindo T, Kidokoro T, Yajima Y, Kasuga J, Arao T. Promoting health and productivity management in small companies through outreach-based public-private partnership: the Yokohama Linkworker Project. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024 Jul; 12: 1345771.
- Fujii Y, Kitano N, Kai Y, Jindo T, Arao T. Changes in accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary behavior from before to after COVID-19 outbreak in workers. Journal of Epidemiology. 2024 May; 34(5): 247-253.
- Asano Y, Nagata K, Shibuya K, Fujii Y, Kitano N, Okura T. Association of 24-h movement behaviors with phase angle in community-dwelling older adults: a compositional data analysis. Aging clinical and experimental research. 2023 Jul; 35(7): 1469-1476.
- Nagata K, Tsunoda K, Fujii Y, Jindo T, Okura T. Impact of exercising alone and exercising with others on the risk of cognitive impairment among older Japanese adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2023 Apr; 107: 104908.
- Tsunoda K, Nagata K, Jindo T, Fujii Y, Soma Y, Kitano N, Okura T. Acceptable Walking and Cycling Distances and Functional Disability and Mortality in Older Japanese Adults: An 8-Year Follow-Up Study. Health and Place. 2023 Jan; 79: 102952.
- Fujii K, Fujii Y, Kubo Y, Tateoka K, Liu J, Nagata K, Nakashima D, Okura T. Frail older adults without occupational dysfunction maintain good subjective well-being: A cross-sectional study. Healthcare. 2022; 10(10); 1922.
- Shoji T, Fujii Y, Tateoka K, Tsuji T, Okura T. The association of the Japan Science and Technology Agency Index of Competence with physical and cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2022 Sep; 22(9): 753-758.
- Kitano N, Kai Y, Jindo T, Fujii Y, Tsunoda K, Arao T. Association of domain-specific physical activity and sedentary behavior with cardiometabolic health among office workers. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2022 Aug; 32(8): 1224-1235.
- Nagata K, Tsunoda K, Fujii Y, Tsuji T, Okura T. Physical activity intensity and suspected dementia in older Japanese adults: a dose-response analysis based on an 8-year longitudinal study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2022; 87(3): 1055-1064.
- Liu J, Fujii Y, Fujii K, Seol J, Kim M, Tateoka K, Nagata K, Zhang H, Okura T. Pre-frailty associated with traffic crashes in Japanese community-dwelling older drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2022; 23(2): 73-78.
- Seol J, Lee J, Nagata K, Fujii Y, Joho K, Tateoka K, Inoue T, Liu J, Okura T. Combined effect of daily physical activity and social relationships on sleep disorder among older adults: Cross-sectional and longitudinal study based on data from the Kasama Study. BMC Geriatrics. 2021;21:623.
- Fujii K, Fujii Y, Kitano N, Sato A, Hotta K, Okura T: Mediating role of instrumental activities of daily living ability on cognitive function of older adults living alone: A 4-year longitudinal study from the Kasama study. Medicine. 2021;100(40):e27416.
- Fujii K, Fujii Y, Kubo Y, Tateoka K, Liu J, Nagata K, Wakayama S, Okura T. Association between occupational dysfunction and social isolation in Japanese older adults: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18(12):6648
- Fujii Y, Seol J, Joho K, Liu J, Inoue T, Nagata K, Okura T. Associations between exercising in a group and physical and cognitive functions in community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional study using data from the Kasama Study. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2021 Jan;33(1):15-21.
- Fujii Y, Fujii K, Jindo T, Kitano N, Seol J, Tsunoda K, Okura T. Effect of exercising with others on incident functional disability and all-cause mortality in community-dwelling older adults: A five-year follow-up survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 Jun;17(12):4329.
- Seol J & Fujii Y (equal contribution), Park I, Suzuki Y, Kawana F, Yajima K, Fukusumi S, Okura T, Satoh M, Tokuyama K, Kokubo T, Yanagisawa M. Distinct effects of orexin receptor antagonist and GABAA agonist on sleep and physical/cognitive functions after forced awakening. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019 Nov;116 (48):24353-24358.
- 藤井悠也, 大藏倫博. 高齢者を対象とした運動教室内の参加者間のつながりは運動教室参加による心理的効果を高めるか?-ネットワーク解析による検討-. 第35回若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成, 2020.
- 藤井悠也. 中高年女性への認知機能への効果. 高田香代子 (編著). 健康増進のためのピラティス 成果を導く実践的プログラミング. 文光堂. 2023; 121-124.
- 藤井悠也. 短期間のピラティス実践が中高年女性の身体組成および身体機能に与える影響. 高田香代子 (編著). 健康増進のためのピラティス 成果を導く実践的プログラミング. 文光堂. 2023; 116-120.
- Fujii Y, Kitano N, Kawakami R, Kai Y, Arao T. The intention-behaviour gap in muscle-strengthening exercise by socio-demographic status among Japanese adults. The 10th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, Paris. 2024 October
- 藤井悠也, 北濃成樹, 川上諒子, 甲斐裕子, 荒尾孝. 我が国の成人男女における筋力トレーニングの実施状況の推移~SSFスポーツライフ・データ2008-2022の2次分析~. 第25回日本運動疫学会学術総会, 愛知. 2023年6月
- Fujii Y, Kitano N, Kai Y, Jindo T, Arao T. Changes in physical activity and sedentary behavior of workers from before to during the COVID-19 outbreak and its correlates. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Society for Physical Activity Conference, Melbourne. November 2022
- 藤井悠也, 甲斐裕子, 神藤隆志, 城所哲宏, 髙士直己, 吉葉かおり, 野田隆行, 村松祐子, 春日潤子, 矢島陽子, 荒尾孝. 健康経営を支援する「リンクワーカー」の養成に関する検討:Y-Linkプロジェクト. 第80回日本公衆衛生学会総会, Web開催. 2021年12月
- Fujii Y, Fujii K, Jindo T, Kitano N, Seol JH, Tsunoda K, Okura T. The impact of exercise with others on mortality in rural older adults: a 3-year follow-up survey from Kasama study. the 11th IAGG Asia/Oceania regional Congress, Taipei. October 2019
- 藤井悠也, 大藏倫博. ニュースポーツ"MATTOSS"実践中の脳血流量変化—近赤外分光法(fNIRS)を用いた検討—. 第9回日本認知症予防学会学術集会, 愛知. 2019年10月
- 藤井悠也, 藤井啓介, 神藤隆志, 北濃成樹, 角田憲治, 大藏倫博.地域在住高齢者における運動仲間の存在と要介護発生率との縦断的関連:「誰と運動するか」に着目した3年間の追跡研究. 第74回日本体力医学会大会, 茨城. 2019年9月
- Fujii Y, Fujii K, Seol JH, Kitano N, Okura T. The role of exercise partner in sustained exercise participation among community-dwelling older adults: a 3-year longitudinal study. The 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, England. October 2018
- 藤井悠也, 藤井啓介, 薛載勲, 北濃成樹, 城寳佳也, 大藏倫博. 仲間との運動実践が高齢者の抑うつ傾向発生に及ぼす影響:3年間の縦断研究. 第73回日本体力医学会大会, 福井. 2018年9月
- Fujii Y, Fujii K, Isono K, Otsuki N, Joho K, Okura T. The Effects of Pilates on cognitive functions in middle-aged women. American College of Sports Medicine’s 65th Annual Meeting, Boston. May 2018
- 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究 代表:筋力トレーニングの疫学:生活習慣病予防に至適な強度・実施量の解明(2024年4月-2027年3月)
- 藤井悠也. 運動習慣化のコツ―やる気に頼らず生涯健康に―.運動に関する基調講話.税務大学校東京研修所.2024年4月(対象:研修生)
- 藤井悠也. 運動習慣化のコツ―やる気に頼らず生涯健康に―.運動に関する基調講話.税務大学校東京研修所.2023年4月(対象:研修生)
幼稚園から現在 サッカー
筑波大学 体育系 大藏研究室